- A New Standard of Ukraine: The Kupyna Hash Function
- A New Encryption Standard of Ukraine: The Kalyna Block Cipher
- Influence of Addition Modulo \( 2^n \) on Algebraic Attacks
- Algebraic Attacks Using Binary Decision Diagrams
- A Method for Security Estimation of the SPN-based Block Cipher Against Related-Key Attacks
- A Sage Library for Analysis of Nonlinear Binary Mappings
- Extended Criterion for Absence of Fixed Points
- Algebraic Aspects of the Russian Hash Standard GOST R 34.11-2012
- A Method for Generation of High-Nonlinear S-Boxes Based on Gradient Descent
- State Space Cryptanalysis of the MICKEY Cipher
- Verification of Restricted EA-Equivalence for Vectorial Boolean Functions
- Application of Vectorial Boolean Functions for Substitutions Generation Used in Symmetric Cryptographic Transformations
- An Impact of S-box Boolean Function Properties to Strength of Modern Symmetric Block Ciphers
- Influence of S-boxes on Formation of Maximum Differential Probability Values of Block Ciphers
- Algebraic Properties of Kalyna's Key Schedule
- Key Expansion Comparison of Block Ciphers
- Variations on the Cipher Rijndael
- Choosing Substitutions for Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithms Based on the Analysis of Their Algebraic Properties